What are biggest trends in the Medspa industry?

Over the last 12 months, I’ve seen a consistent trend in the “MedSpa” industry. Three services have become more popular amongst Medspas either as a stand alone service or add-on to existing services.

  1. Hormone/Vitamin Therapy
    1. Patients are looking for the next best thing to them an edge in performance and vitality. Hormone and vitamin therapy has become increasingly more popular and available.
  2. IV Hydration Therapy
    1. Possibly the hottest trend in healthcare are IV hydration therapy clinics. Whether they be brick and mortar or mobile, IV services have seen a large increase in demand. With relatively low barrier for entry and overhead, IV hydration has become a main focus of Medspa operators over the past year.
  3. Lasers
    1. With advancements in technology and possibilities, laser services for skin treatments have become more available and affordable. While there are many device manufacturers on the market, some are able to assist their clients with turning the use of those lasers into serious financial drivers of Medspa revenue.