Florida Healthcare Law Firms adds experienced attorney Zach Simpson to the team to assist with pharmacy law, imaging center compliance, as well as chiropractic law, healthcare business development and contract negotiation.
Florida Healthcare Law Firm has announced that they have added Zach Simpson to the team. Zach brings a wealth of healthcare business experience in settings such as private medical practices, large law firms and healthcare management companies. Zach specializes in areas including operations, process, procedures, rules, regulations, management, organization, compliance, analytics, and problem solving. He’s also worked on physician dispensing programs and within numerous medical systems mastering programs like Abbadox, PACS, K-Pacs, Carestream, Merge, and Telax to improve the efficiency of medical centers’ day-to-day activities.
“Now more than ever, healthcare businesses are taking the time to attend to important tasks like processes, policies and procedures. The ones who unfortunately closed during COVID had some ‘downtime’ to focus on what to do better when reopening. Zach’s wide variety of experience in medical offices brings first hand knowledge on how to prepare and how to run things smoothly. As we all have adapted to a ‘new normal,’ Zach is on board to help with business management and development,” Florida Healthcare Law Firm COO Autumn Piccolo says. Founder and President, Jeff Cohen, goes on to say that, “We help you with the business operation side so that you can focus on what you do best, care for patients. Zach’s organizational skills and leadership are a great addition for current and future clients. His analytical and negotiation skills will absolutely benefit healthcare business owners.”
Zach will also be contributing to the monthly webinar and blogs held by the firm. The law firm has an industry-leading reputation for their heavy focus on community education through their newsletter, blogs and webinars, which provide updated and free information on trending topics in the medical field. Anyone who owns or manages a medical business is free to read the blogs and view the monthly webinar. Dates and topics are announced on social media with weekly reminders and viewers can also request new topics to be covered.
We know that it’s impossible to stay up on the latest trends in the industry. There’s more opportunity now than ever for small healthcare business owners and doctors alike. Think about a doctor who has their own practice and now wants to add telehealth as a delivery system. What do they do? Who can they go to for some basic information? Would you rather read something written by a copywriter or something actually written by a lawyer who works in that field? Our blogs and webinars give us a chance to connect with former and potential clients and provide them with reliable legal advice.