Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccine and Incentives

Can an employer mandate a COVID-19 vaccination?  And if so, are there exceptions/exclusions that must be addressed?  Since the COVID-19 vaccines were first approved for emergency use, the debate has raged as to whether employers can or should require employees (as a condition of employment) to be vaccinated.  And, with large numbers on both sides of the debate, the answer, while clear from a legal standpoint (at least for the moment at the federal level) is not without controversy or consequences.

Requirements for Mandatory Vaccine Policies

Health care employers have long required flu vaccines of their employees, absent a medical reason or religious belief.  Accommodations have been made as required for those who cannot receive the vaccine.  And mandatory vaccines in the health care industry provide some protection for the health and safety of patients and the care providers. The same rationale and rules apply to the COVID-19 vaccine. Continue reading

The 3 Knocks Coming to your Healthcare Business’ Door Post-Pandemic: The Lawyers, The Regulators; and The Auditors

florida healthcare law firm audits after covidBy: Steven Boyne

When COVID-19 passes and the world begins to return to normal, you can be guaranteed that many of your old “friends” will come to visit you. To minimize future liability, pain and time, you should be preparing today for tomorrow’s visitors:

The Lawyers. Lawyers come in many flavors, and can bring good or bad news. Depending on your initial reaction to the pandemic, and your subsequent actions as the panic started to die down you may see three types of lawyers: (1) Those that represent past or present employees who have lost their job or contracted COVID-19; (2) Those that represent patients who claim malpractice based on the care that you did or did not deliver, and also those patients who assert that they contracted COVID-19 at your office; and finally (3) Those that represent creditors or debtors of your practice. The actions you should take today are many and varied and beyond the scope of this overview, however, you should be asking the following questions of yourself: (i) did you file a claim for business interruption despite the fact that your insurance broker said you were wasting your time? (ii) does your malpractice carrier cover you for liability outside of the normal scope of providing care? (iii) are your documenting your actions throughout the pandemic to demonstrate that you were acting reasonably at a time when you did not have all the facts? (iv) did you look at your business insurance policies for coverage for employee claims, or workers comp claims, or OSHA claims? (v) did you research what other similarly situated companies are doing, as you will most likely be held to the same standards? (vi) did you follow guidance from State and Federal entities? and (vii) did you provide notice during the pandemic to debtors or other parties who have breached their obligations?Continue reading

Getting Back to a New Workplace Normal

By: Steven Boyne

As employers begin to consider opening their offices and bringing back their employees and inviting other people into their offices, such as patients, there are many issues that should be considered and planned for BEFORE the front door is opened.

Quick Legal Advice – COVID-19 is new to everyone, including Government regulators and plaintiff lawyers, so we are all learning as we go along. The best legal advice in these uncertain times is:

  1. Find out what other similar situated companies are doing, as you may be held to their standards;
  2. Find checklists and advice from well reputable entities;
  3. Document your decisions; and
  4. Communicate.


As an employer you have a responsibility to provide a safe working environment, and as of today it is clear that the following is a minimal list of considerations:Continue reading